2018 Human-bear cohabitation – conflicts and interactions in Northern Rodopi mountains
Project of Rewilding Europe/Rewilding Rhodopes, fieldwork on human-bear conflicts among Muslim and Bulgarian communities in Rodopi mountains.
2018 Towards New Conservation Models – Human-Bear Cohabitation in Rodopi Mountains, Bulgaria
M.A. fieldwork; Four weeks’ participant observation and semi-structured interviews in the village of Yagodina, Rodopi mountains, Bulgaria.
2017-2018 Between Ecology and Spirituality. Redefining Human-Nature Dichotomy in Postmodernity
Project funded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Anthropological research seeking to investigate the link between ecology and spirituality and human-nature relations among diverse ecological communities.
2015-2020 Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Brown Bear as a Conservation Tool in the Rodopi Mountains
Wild Rodopi (https://www.theuiaa.org).